Interior plasters

Plastering interior walls and ceilings creates rooms that are both beautiful and functional

Interior plaster

When plastering interior walls and ceilings, not only functional but also aesthetic requirements can be realised. In addition to levelling out unevenness in the substrate, the plaster serves either as a visual designer of the surface itself or as a basis for such a surface, such as a coat of paint or wallpaper. Our plasterers, plasterers and plasterers can respond flexibly to the individual requirements of the premises when choosing the plaster, making high standards a reality.

Plaster interior walls: Vielseitige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von funktional bis dekorativ. Ob als glatter Untergrund für Farbe und Tapete oder als dekoratives Element mit Struktur, Innenputz bietet zahlreiche Vorteile. Er verbessert das Raumklima, schützt die Bausubstanz und sorgt für ein angenehmes Wohngefühl.

Interior plaster is more than just a smooth surface for your walls. It offers a wide range of benefits that can make your home more comfortable, healthier and more beautiful.

Interior plaster for new builds and renovations: Vielfältige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit hochwertigen Nass- und Trockenputzen auf Mineral-, Kunstharz- oder Silikonharzbasis. Ob Neubau oder Putzsanierung, wir bieten eine breite Palette an Farben und Strukturen für individuelle Innenraumgestaltung. Unsere Experten beraten Sie zu passenden Materialien und Optiken, damit das Ergebnis Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. Spezialputze wie Entfeuchtungsputz oder Sanierputz ermöglichen auch anspruchsvolle Anwendungen.

Offers and solutions

Interior plastering work

Interior plaster is a worthwhile investment for every builder and renovator. It offers numerous advantages that can improve the appearance, functionality and value of a building. Choosing the right plaster and having it professionally applied are crucial for an optimum result.

Plastering services

Further plastering work


Exterior plasters


Indoor climate plasters


Renovation plaster


Stucco work


Advice & Service

Do you have an issue that needs to be resolved? We can take care of it today!

Arrange a personal consultation and let us plan your interior design project together. We look forward to hearing from you. Whether by phone, e-mail or contact form, we are here for you. Tell us what you need and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

+41 79 763 04 60

Marco Anders GmbH

Get in touch with us today and let us advise you. Together we will design your project. 

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